Age: 0-2 Years (He Reo Aroha)

He kōrero hei karanga i tō tamaiti.


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There, there, baby ...
  • Kāti, kāti, e pē/e te tau/e kō/e tama (mō te tāne)
  • Kātirawhe (mēnā kua hōhā haere koe - koinei te kōrero a te pakeke i a ia ka hōhā engari he māmā tana reo, hōhā mai, aha mai).
  • Kāti, kāti
  • E moe (mēnā e tangitangi ana i te mate moe)
  • Hoihoi
  • Turituri
  • Kāti te auē/te tangi/te tangitangi
What's the matter?
  • He aha te mate?
  • He aha? (he tino kōrero tēnei hei pātai ‘he aha te mate', ka mutu i ōna wā anō, mēnā e whakakuene ana te tamaiti, ka kumea roatia te ‘he', me te paku kaha ake o te reo)
He's got wind.
  • E kī ana (te puku) i te hau.
  • Kei te kī i te hau.
Oh no, you've got the hiccoughs.
  • Auē/e tā/e kō/e hika, kua tokopuhake(tia)/tokomauri(tia) koe.
  • . . . kei te tokopuhake koe.
You poor thing!
  • Aiiiiii, ka aroha hoki koe. (he tohu aroha, engari ka taea anō tēnei hei kōrero whakatakē)
Are you warm? Come here so that I can feel you.
  • Kei te mahana koe? Haramai, kia whāwhāhia koe (e au)/kia whāwhā au i a koe.
  • Kei te mahana koe? Tēnā . . . kia whāwhāhia koe.
Eat up!
  • E kai!
  • Kia kaha te kai!
What a big burp that was, baby!
  • E hika, kātahi nā te tokopuaha!
I bet you feel better now.
  • Kua pai koe i āianā, ne hā?
  • Kātahi nā ka pai.
Oh, what a big yawn.
  • E hika, kātahi nā te hītakotako.
I love you so much.
  • Ka nui taku aroha mōu.
What a big boy/girl you are.
  • Tō nui kē hoki.
  • Kua nui/rahi haere koe
Oh, you are so cute.
  • Kātahi nā te tamaiti ātaahua/pai/haututū.
  • Ka wani kē taku tamaiti.
My beautiful baby.
  • (Ka) tau kē taku tamaiti/pēpē.
  • Ka wani kē taku tamaiti.
You're a bit snotty.
  • Tō hūpē!
  • Kei te hūpē katoa tō ihu.
  • Tō hūpē hoki, āe.
I know it's really sore.
  • Kei te mōhio au he (tino) mamae.
  • Kei te rongo au i tō mamae.
 I'm sorry, it was an accident.  
  • E te tau, kua whara (hoki) koe i a au. (mēnā kua whara, kua mamae, kua toto, kua aha)
  • Mō taku hē, e te tau, kua mamae koe i a au.
  • Aiiiiii, kua hē katoa (ō piropiro/koe) i a au. (mēnā kua riri, kua tangi, kua whakatakariri, kua aha)
  • Aiiiiii, kua hē noa iho koe/tāua i a au.
  • Aiiiiii, kua mate tāua i a au.
  • Aue, nā wai hoki tāua i a au.
The pain will go
  • Kāore e roa ka mutu te mamae
Here's Māmā's nose/lips/ears/mouth, where's baby's?
  • Anei te/ngā ihu/ngutu/taringa/waha o Māmā, kei hea tōu/ōu?
Give Pāpā a kiss.
  • Ki te kihi i a Pāpā . . . kia tere . . . haramai.
Come and sit with me.
  • Haramai tāua/tātou ki te noho.
  • Haramai tāua ki konei noho ai.
  • Anei tāua/tātou ki konei noho ai.
Open your mouth (ie ki te kai/inu waiū).
  • Tō waha.
  • Huakina tō waha.
  • Kia hāmama tō waha.
  • Hāmama (mai).
Squealing like that will chase the birds away.
  • Ka mataku ngā manu i a koe e ngawī haere nā.
  • Ka purere ngā manu i a koe e pūkoto nā.
You're a noisy thing!
  • Tō hoihoi kē!
  • Kei te turituri koe.
  • Kāti te hoihoi.
You like to chit-chat don't you?
  • He pai ki a koe te kōrero, nē rā/hā?
  • He puku kōrero koe.
Baby likes it when we give him a soft pat on the back.
  • He pai ki a pēpē kia pōpōhia ana tana tuara.
Why are you sad?
  • He aha koe e pōuri nā?
  • E pōuri ana koe i te aha?
Are you missing Māmā?
  • Kei te mokemoke/ongeonge koe ki a Māmā?
  • E mokemoke/ongeonge ana koe ki a Māmā?
She'll be back in a tick.
  • Kāore e roa ka hoki mai.
  • Kāore a ia e roa.
  • Ka hoki mai ā kō tonu ake nei.
  • Ā kō ake nei ka hoki mai.
What can we do to make you feel better?
  • Me pēhea koe e pai ake ai?
  • Mā te aha rawa e pai ake ai koe?
Ok. Lie down now.
  • Takoto, e te tau.
  • Ā kāti, takoto.
Did you have a nice, restful sleep?
  • I pai tō moe?
  • I au tō moe?
Let's play roley-poley.
  • Haramai tāua/tātou ki te takahurihuri/takaporepore/takaoriori.